Passive Mobilisation

All items in the category 'Passive Mobilisation'

Knee and hip passive mobilization. Can be used with: Remote-controlled START&STOP, Hand-held programmable keypad and Trolley for internal use
Hip and knee passive mobilization. LIGHT MODEL WITH ADDITIONAL FEATURES. Can be used with: Remote-controlled START & STOP, Hand-held programmable keyp ...
Hip and knee passive mobilization. THE MODEL THAT OPTIMIZE TIMES WITH MEMORY CARD. Can be used with: Hand-held programming keypad, Remote-controlled S ...
Knee and hip passive mobilization. A SOLID MODEL , RECOMMENDED FOR HIRE. Can be used with: Hand-held programmable keypad, Remote-controlled START & ST ...
Ankle, hip and knee passive mobilization. Can be used with: Hand-held programmable keypad, Remote-controlled START&STOP, Trolley for internal use, Mem ...
Shoulder, elbow and wrist passive mobilization. Can be used with: Memory Card, Adjustable rods for arm support, Accessory cart, Variable slant handle ...
Shoulder passive mobilization. Can be used with: Arm support for internal-external rotation movement, Batteries and battery-charger kit, Base light
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